Friday, August 7, 2009

Season of our life

Do you know season?? Of course everyone knows that. Last week i got one lesson pertaining to season. Now i've a tale to tell.

There are 4 seasons : spring, summer, autumn and winter........(I'l explain the tale through crops analogy )

1. Spring season

This is spring season. During spring, people plant seeds to their crops.

2. Summer season

The fruits begin to ripe..

3. Autumn season

Time to harvest the ripen one!

4. Winter season

Time to sleep. No producing during this time!

Nice pictures huh?? these are sequences of seasons. The analogy, spring is like our childhood time. When we were children and very young, we viewed this world with lots of wonderful things. Colourful and warm.

Summer is like where we are now. Teenager. Active in producing fresh and ingenuin ideas. Full of vision and ambition.

Autumn just like our retired parents. Usually during this time, people tend to mend their time with favourable activities that they could not have chances to do that during their youth.

Finally, winter season. This is the time where death very close to us.

After this, new season would come. New colours and new blooms. The death would be replaced with new birth and successor......

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