Whenever there is leftover raw ingredients for any of my previous baking, my mother and my father (especially), would babbling non-stop, asking to finish up so that it won't be left useless until the expiry date.
So, using the leftover raw baking ingredients, I made this (actually it was a few weeks ago). Of course flour, egg and sugar are not among the ingredients because these are the mandatory ingredients in kitchen.
So, the 'so-called' leftover baking ingredients are dry fruits, butter, and evaporated creamer.
I made it using the classic cake recipe (flour, butter, sugar and eggs).
The dry fruits should be soak in a bowl of water to prevent the fruits from accumulated at the bottom of the cake whenever its baked. And I add some evaporated creamer (thinking that it would give the taste of creamy on the cake). I just added it until the consistency suitable for baking cake.
Then, the pictures below was the result. I also used the leftover cooking chocolate, melted it and butter it in the middle after the cake being left cool for a while.
Simple and easy. It was not perfect but it does taste good even using the leftover baking stuffs in the refrigerator.