Saturday, October 31, 2009


**My post today is dedicated to my old friend, Nurul Athirah binti Mohd Sobri who always inspiring me.

Ailurophobia definition (a fear of cats)

Ailurophobia, also known as elurophobia, felinophobia, galeophobia or gatophobia, is an abnormal and persistent fear of cats usually caused by a negative past experience. Sufferers from ailurophobia experience undue anxiety about encountering or being attacked by cats. The phobia can become quite irrational if left untreated.

How to cure ailurophobia (a fear of cats)

The only way to completely free yourself of the fear of cats is to re-programme your mind under self-hypnosis. It is said that the conscious part of our brain accounts for about ten percent and so if you try to make positive changes purely on a conscious level you are bound to fail. By using self-hypnosis to break free of a negative pattern of behaviour and accept positive new conditioning in its place you are using the larger part of your unconscious mind, which is why hypnosis is so effective in overcoming phobias and creating permanent positive changes. Follow the instructions in the guide and you will free yourself from ailurophobia forever.

for more information :

Tu kita 'copy paste' jer drpd tnet. Sebenarnya kita tak tahulah macam mana perasaan awak bila berhadapan dgn kucing. Sebabnya kita tak pernah rasa apa yang awak rasa. Tapi kalau phobia dgn kucing tak semestinya kita benci kan? kita cuma rasa takut, mungkin takut dgn kuku dia maybe? takut kena cakar?

Tapi kalau kte perhati betul2 sebenarnya kucing tu cute. Kucing tu kan kesayangan Rasullullah. Kadang- kadang tu bila dah nampak kucing (sesetengah orang la), disebabkan phobia, tertendang ataupun terpijak ekor kucing tu. So kalau rasa terlakukan kekejaman jauh2kanlah diri daripada kucing. Kita pun sebenarnya tak tahu nak bagitahu macam mana but just change you mind setting.

Kucing ni manja, memahami dan kadang-kadang nakal. Kalau kita betul2 sayang dengan kucing, sometimes boleh jadi ada sense @ chemistry antara tuan dan kucing tu sendiri. Kalau ikut pengalaman kita, satu perkara yang kita suka dgn kucing adalah bila kucing tu "mem'volunteer'kan" dirinya baring dekat dengan kita. Rasa macam disayangi dan difahami oleh kucing tu sendiri.

Apapun just try to change your mind setting. If it doesn't work, it's ok.

1 comment:

Nurul Athirah said...

kita akan try atasi ketakutan kat kucing ni..\